18:59 CC


#386 Jan 29, 2023 pro
In this episode, we look at implementing full-text search in MySQL. Using some of the built in functions of MySQL, we are able query tables and add weighted results.

Database Transactions
9:47 CC

Database Transactions

#377 Nov 27, 2022 pro
Transactions are protective blocks where SQL statements are only permanent if they can all succeed as one atomic action. In this episode, we explore ActiveRecord Transactions and how to use them.

Infrastructure Migration
14:09 CC

Infrastructure Migration

#374 Nov 6, 2022 free
For various reasons, we may decide to move our services off of one platform onto another. This could be due to pricing, uptime or other reasons. In this episode, we look at migrating a Ruby on Rails application and database from Heroku to Fly.

Searching Multiple Models
19:34 CC

Searching Multiple Models

#370 Oct 9, 2022 pro
In this episode, we look at creating a simple and maintainable way to search multiple models. As our application grows and the needs change, other avenues can be explored, but it's important to not prematurely optimize things before they're actually required.

Downloading Cloud Database
11:12 CC

Downloading Cloud Database

#368 Sep 25, 2022 pro
Sometimes we need to pull down our staging database that is hosted in the cloud. This can be a tedious task as there could be many blockers that add complications in pulling down this data.