Developing in Docker
34:28 CC

Developing in Docker

#414 Aug 13, 2023 pro
I use Docker every day and it has make my development workflow much simpler. I don't have to deal with conflicts or issues with macOS since everything is containerized. Before, I would fight my host operating system with mismatched dependencies and configuration problems, but using Docker during my development workflow has simplified things. In this episode, we'll run through how I use Docker on Rails applications and some of the tricks I use to solve the nuances of this approach.

Dot Files
14:35 CC

Dot Files

#415 Aug 20, 2023 pro
Dot files are important for customizing our development experience and in this episode, we'll have a look at the .zshrc, .gemrc, .railsrc, and .irbrc dot files and how we can customize them to make our development life easier.

Unsaved Changes
11:47 CC

Unsaved Changes

#423 Oct 8, 2023 pro
In this episode, we'll look at creating a stimulus controller that will alert the user if there are unsaved changes on a form before they navigate away from the page or reload the site.

Streaming LLM Responses
24:10 CC

Streaming LLM Responses

#445 Mar 3, 2024 free
In this episode, we look at running a self hosted Large Language Model (LLM) and consuming it with a Rails application. We will use a background to make API requests to the LLM and then stream the responses in real-time to the browser.

2:56 CC


#11 Aug 7, 2015 free
With strong params replacing attr_accessible, a difficulty has arisen with referencing to the structure of your models. With annotate, we can generate the structure of our models in the comments of our models.