PostgreSQL Hstore
12:28 CC

PostgreSQL Hstore

#259 Sep 13, 2020 pro
The hstore data type is very useful in many cases, such as semi-structured data or rows with many attributes.

Markdown Parser
7:51 CC

Markdown Parser

#341 Mar 20, 2022 pro
Markdown is a great, but unfortunately ActionText doesn't support it. In this episode, we'll look at implementing a simple markdown parser with Stimulus.

Wordle Clone
32:34 CC

Wordle Clone

#340 Mar 13, 2022 pro
We look at recreating the popular Wordle game with StimulusJS. By exploring the mechanics of the game, we build our own approach.

Hardware Security Keys
11:02 CC

Hardware Security Keys

#302 Jun 27, 2021 pro
Using a hardware security key for multi-factor authentication is a great way to protect user accounts. In this episode, we look at implementing security keys into our Ruby on Rails applications with Devise user accounts.

Fixing Assets in CSS Bundling for Rails
15:30 CC

Fixing Assets in CSS Bundling for Rails

#323 Nov 14, 2021 pro
CSS Bundling for Rails provides a new way for importing and managing our CSS assets in Rails Applications, but it does have some challenges around a few libraries (specifically font awesome and a few others) which we'll look at in this episode.