3:28 CC


#1 Jul 18, 2015 free
Serve your applications on your development machine with ease. Pow allows a dev domain to your local machine for spinning up linked applications

Windows and WSL
16:05 CC

Windows and WSL

#451 Apr 7, 2024 free
In this episode, we'll look at setting up a fresh Windows 11 environment for Ruby on Rails development. We'll be looking at a few different tricks that makes managing a Windows environment much easier.

Exploring Campfire
11:40 CC

Exploring Campfire

#439 Jan 24, 2024 free
In this episode, we explore the Campfire code from 37signals' Once product line. We'll install the product and grab the code base to get it up and running on our development environment.

Tracking Writebook Changes
15:10 CC

Tracking Writebook Changes

#464 Jul 7, 2024 free
In this episode, we look at setting up a mechanism to track the changes from an externally developed product. We'll also discuss branching strategies and how to develop your own features on top of Writebook.

Seed like a Pro
19:05 CC

Seed like a Pro

#284 Feb 21, 2021 pro
Seeding your database is often an overlooked part of development and it has a lot of benefits that can help uncover issues within your application. However, maintaining the seeds.rb can be difficult and things can get out of hand quickly. In this episode, learn how to manage and maintain the seeds file.