Nested Forms from Scratch with StimulusJS
16:54 CC

Nested Forms from Scratch with StimulusJS

#186 May 5, 2019 free
Using StimulusJS controllers, adding nested forms to a Rails application is easy and unobtrusive. In this episode, we look at an alternative way of creating nested forms without the Cocoon gem.

15:55 CC


#82 May 29, 2017 free
The DataTables Javascript library creates a powerful display of your application's data. Some of the features include pagination, server side processing, sorting and search.

Sample Data with Factory Bot and Faker
8:07 CC

Sample Data with Factory Bot and Faker

#103 Oct 29, 2017 free
Factory Bot is a fixtures replacement which can generate the needed records directly in the tests. Faker can be used to create fake data for these records.

4:11 CC


#6 Jul 26, 2015 free
Protecting your data within your database has never been easier. With attr_encrypted, you can easily add a level of security to your application without much refactoring.

What's New in Rails 6
11:38 CC

What's New in Rails 6

#175 Mar 3, 2019 free
Overview of notable features coming soon in Ruby on Rails 6.