OpenAI API Integration
26:33 CC

OpenAI API Integration

#390 Feb 26, 2023 pro
In this episode, we have a look at using the OpenAI API to create an AI Response to comments. Instead of simply using the API directly with Net::HTTP, we're also going to create an API wrapper around Net::HTTP so that we can simplify the responsibility of our OpenAI integration.

State Machines with AASM
12:20 CC

State Machines with AASM

#147 Aug 19, 2018 pro
State Machines are useful for tracking the state of an object. With AASM, we take a dive into how states can transition as well as modifying states and interacting with them.

Cloudflare Turnstile
14:30 CC

Cloudflare Turnstile

#379 Dec 11, 2022 pro
Cloudflare Turnstile delivers frustration-free, CAPTCHA-free web experiences to website visitors. In this episode, we'll look at implementing this a few different ways and resolving some issues with Turbo.

Local Mail Delivery
8:39 CC

Local Mail Delivery

#329 Dec 26, 2021 pro
Sending out emails is an important for of communication in our Rails applications. In this episode, we look at creating a local smtp relay with a web frontend to view the emails sent from our Rails application.

Website Accessibility
9:00 CC

Website Accessibility

#213 Oct 27, 2019 pro
In this episode, we add Bootstrap into a Rails 6 application and look at various aspects of website accessibility.