Gem in a Box
13:11 CC

Gem in a Box

#289 Mar 28, 2021 pro
There's many benefits to running your own cache and proxy for Ruby gems. In this episode, we look at provisioning, configuring our system and projects to use a Gem in a Box instance.

Hotwire & ViewComponents
19:09 CC

Hotwire & ViewComponents

#288 Mar 21, 2021 pro
In this episode, we look into adding ViewComponent and Hotwire into our Rails application. With this powerful combination, we can create highly interactive applications with ease.

Bootstrap v5
14:05 CC

Bootstrap v5

#287 Mar 14, 2021 pro
We look at 4 different ways to add Bootstrap v5 to our Rails application. Depending on your application's direction, you may choose the appropriate route; Webpacker, the Bootstrap gem, CDN or Hotwire + yarn.

Deploying to Amazon Linux 2
31:02 CC

Deploying to Amazon Linux 2

#285 Feb 28, 2021 pro
I recently upgraded Drifting Ruby's site from Ruby 2.6 to Ruby 2.7 as part of some general maintenance. The Beanstalk instance was using an older version of Amazon Linux. During the upgrade process, I discovered that it wasn't a simple transition. In this episode, we look at the discovery path and how to successfully deploy your Ruby on Rails application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Amazon Linux 2 and Ruby 2.7.

Seed like a Pro
19:05 CC

Seed like a Pro

#284 Feb 21, 2021 pro
Seeding your database is often an overlooked part of development and it has a lot of benefits that can help uncover issues within your application. However, maintaining the seeds.rb can be difficult and things can get out of hand quickly. In this episode, learn how to manage and maintain the seeds file.