Rails Routes
14:45 CC

Rails Routes

#328 Dec 19, 2021 pro
Routing in Rails is small but an important part of our applications. The Rails router recognizes URLs and dispatches them to a controller's action, or to a Rack application. It can also generate paths and URLs, avoiding the need to hardcode strings in your views.

Optimistic Locking
9:15 CC

Optimistic Locking

#327 Dec 12, 2021 pro
Optimistic Locking is a feature to prevent collision when two users are editing the same record. In this episode, we look at adding this feature into a Rails 7 application that is using Turbo.

Dynamic Select Forms with Hotwire
21:50 CC

Dynamic Select Forms with Hotwire

#325 Nov 28, 2021 pro
Using StimulusJS and Turbo, we are able to dynamically update select input with content based on another select input. This allows for a seamless user experience while having a configurable and maintainable backend.

Materialized Views in PostgreSQL
13:43 CC

Materialized Views in PostgreSQL

#324 Nov 21, 2021 pro
Using Scenic, you can bring the power of SQL views to your Rails application without having to switch your schema format to SQL. Scenic provides a convention for versioning views that keeps your migration history consistent and reversible and avoids having to duplicate SQL strings across migrations.

Fixing Assets in CSS Bundling for Rails
15:30 CC

Fixing Assets in CSS Bundling for Rails

#323 Nov 14, 2021 pro
CSS Bundling for Rails provides a new way for importing and managing our CSS assets in Rails Applications, but it does have some challenges around a few libraries (specifically font awesome and a few others) which we'll look at in this episode.