21:24 CC


#393 Mar 19, 2023 pro
Chart.js is a simple yet flexible JavaScript charting library for the modern web. In this episode, we look at creating a Stimulus controller around Chart.js. We'll also look at making the chart interactive by adding zoom and pan functionality.

MRSK in Depth
23:47 CC

MRSK in Depth

#392 Mar 12, 2023 pro
Continuing from the previous episode, we look at speeding up the build times with a remote builder, continued warning about accessories, implementing background jobs, setting up the infrastructure for background workers and diving more into the Kamal (MRSK) commands.

OpenAI API Integration
26:33 CC

OpenAI API Integration

#390 Feb 26, 2023 pro
In this episode, we have a look at using the OpenAI API to create an AI Response to comments. Instead of simply using the API directly with Net::HTTP, we're also going to create an API wrapper around Net::HTTP so that we can simplify the responsibility of our OpenAI integration.

27:48 CC


#389 Feb 19, 2023 pro
Middleman is a static site generator using all the shortcuts and tools in modern web development. In this episode, we look at creating a static site using TailwindCSS and one of the TailwindUI templates. We also take an interesting approach to keep the development experience close to one that we would expect in a Rails application.

Strict Locals
9:10 CC

Strict Locals

#388 Feb 12, 2023 pro
Ruby on Rails 7.1 introduces Required Template Arguments w/ Default Values, or Strict Locals. This solves the issue of difficult to reason about dependencies & runtime compilations. In this episode, we look at how Strict Locals can improve the overall maintainability of our Rails partials.