Pavan Prakash CS said about 7 years ago on Pagination with Kaminari :

Thanks for helping the starters like me with your great work. Can you please do a video on infinite scroll with kaminari? The example used in the wiki of the gem is very old and the JavaScript library is not maintained anymore. 

David Kimura PRO said about 7 years ago on Pagination with Kaminari :

Have a look at

It uses `will_paginate` but `kaminari` should be a fairly simple drop in with some minor changes.

Pavan Prakash CS said about 7 years ago on Pagination with Kaminari :

Thanks for the reply. Thumbs up for all your help. 

Schwad said about 7 years ago on Pagination with Kaminari :

That's really cool, fired up a toy app just to play with Kaminari following this. Thanks for the screencast!

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