achmiral said over 7 years ago on Meta Tags :

This is a amazing usefull video tutorial :D. I have some issue when I click fullscreen icon, the video doesn't fill the entire screen monitor.

David Kimura PRO said over 7 years ago on Meta Tags :

Thanks for pointing this out! I've pushed up a patch and this should be fixed now.

achmiral said over 7 years ago on Meta Tags :

Cool, it's working now :D

Jayzen said about 7 years ago on Meta Tags :

i follow the right step in my project with rails 5.1, but it can't work.

the rails version in you video  is 4.2.6,  i can't figure out the problem, could you show me some tips! 

thanks for you awesome video, it helps me a lot!

Bishnu Basyal said about 7 years ago on Meta Tags :

Very good Tutorial :)

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