Tiago Ameller PRO
Joined 2/28/2018
Tiago Ameller PRO said over 4 years ago on Creating Health Checks :
This line `ApplicationRecord.connected?`is returning false most of the times. If I `curl` to my production server twice in a row, second time it returns true, but first one false. I changed it for: `User.count > 0`, which is true all times (unless site is down, of course) This a Rails 5 app. Database connections are not permanent?

Tiago Ameller PRO said over 4 years ago on Creating Health Checks :

Tiago Ameller PRO said over 4 years ago on Creating Health Checks :
Done. No more fails. But also no unhandled exceptions. Weird.

Tiago Ameller PRO said over 4 years ago on Minitest and Test Driven Development :
Good tip on adding groups to Coverage report. Also, I didn't know about to filter not used files, as channels stuff. But I wanted to remove Channels, Jobs and Libraries tabs from report. I found this way looking at [Coverage source](https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov/blob/master/lib/simplecov.rb) ``` SimpleCov.start 'rails' do # add filter removes files from coverage, but not tabs in report add_filter 'app/channels/' add_filter 'vendor/' add_filter 'app/jobs/' # remove tabs in report groups.each do |group| groups.delete(group.first) if %w(Channels Jobs Libraries).include? group.first end # add my onw tabs in report add_group 'Datatables', 'app/datatables' add_group 'Policies', 'app/policies' add_group 'Presenters', 'app/presenters' end ```

Tiago Ameller PRO said over 3 years ago on Tracking Javascript Errors :
Thanks for this episode. I applied to one of my projects in minutes and now it's in production.
My question is how to disable Sentry while I'm developing my app, you know, when environment is not production.