Joined 5/29/2021
Stephane PAQUET PRO said over 2 years ago on Direct Upload Instantly :
  I think that "MessageVerifier-InvalidSignature" is linked to the form secret token not being properly managed. Not to validation.

Stephane PAQUET PRO said over 2 years ago on Direct Upload Instantly :
  One quick question. How would you update and existing image?

Stephane PAQUET PRO said over 2 years ago on Direct Upload Instantly :
I have a has_one_attached in my model and so far it creates a new image every time I want to update one. So I guess that I probably missed something.
I also watched episode 281, which is a great companion to this one.

Stephane PAQUET PRO said over 2 years ago on Rails Routes :
I also like using localhost:3000/rails/info/routes
This is a very visual way to access and filter the routes in your project from a browser interface.

Stephane PAQUET PRO said over 2 years ago on Fixing Assets in CSS Bundling for Rails :
There seem to be a catch when using `--css tailwind`. When you add the @import at the end of the `application.tailwind.css` file the imported styles are not loading. While if you place them before the @tailwind lines everything works as planned.

I encountered this issue when I tried to add actiontext to a project configured with tailwind css. The actiontext.css file was placed after the @tailwind lines and Trix style was'nt applied.

My configuration:
Rails 7.0.1 with tailwind and esbuild
Ruby 3.0.3