Simon Kiteley PRO
Joined 10/25/2016
Simon Kiteley PRO said about 6 years ago on In-depth Look into ActiveStorage :
Great video. Wonder if I am the only person who thinks a summernote uploading images, and activestorage video would be incredibly useful :)

Simon Kiteley PRO said about 6 years ago on WYSIWYG Editor with Summernote :

Simon Kiteley PRO said about 6 years ago on In-depth Look into ActiveStorage :
Your current summernote video javascript does not need changes (except to match the different names I used for my models). Great work.

Simon Kiteley PRO said about 6 years ago on SimpleMDE and ActiveStorage :
Found I had an issue when storing to Amazon S3 that link used times out, I believe. Would you have an idea how to fix this?

Simon Kiteley PRO said about 6 years ago on SimpleMDE and ActiveStorage :
Brilliant, thanks for that. Not sure about a couple of the steps you mention but sure a google search will provide lol.