Ryan Mindigo
Joined 4/19/2020
Ryan Mindigo said about 4 years ago on React Native and Ruby on Rails API Only Applications :
You may want to do a refresh tutorial on this, trying this now and nothing works. As you said, lot of changes to ReactNative past year which makes this tutorial not super useful. 

Ryan Mindigo said about 4 years ago on React Native and Ruby on Rails API Only Applications :
Thanks   it def was useful nonetheless. I did get value from the tutorial, but need to really dig into the ReactNative docs to find out how to refactor and get working. Prob once/year doing a refresh would be super helpful and not super demanding on your time for popular topics like ReactNative. 

Ryan Mindigo said almost 4 years ago on Multitenancy :
  i have a SaaS app using multi-tenancy with Apartment Gem and subdomains. Right now each user (email address) can only be in one subdomain. Would you have any suggestions on how to allow users to belong to multiple subdomains? Much appreciated!