Joined 8/5/2018
randi2160 said over 5 years ago on Dependent Form Fields :
I am using rails 4 and i am not able to see the checkbox option ... i installed the simple form and try exactly as you have and i am not able to see the check box option

randi2160 said over 5 years ago on Dependent Form Fields :
Database Fields: Createcampaign(id: integer, campcategory: integer, categoryname: string, camptitle: string, campdescription: string, decisionmaker: string, city: string, state: string, zipcode: string, country: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, category_id: integer, image: string, user_id: integer, admin: boolean, cached_votes_up: integer, cached_votes_down: integer, cached_votes_score: integer, county: string, campaigntype: integer, reason: string, organizername: string, organizerid: integer, protestlocation: string, gatheringrules: string, restricteditems: string, parking: string, startdate: date, enddate: date**, extended_profile: boolean) ** controller function: ``` def create @users = User.all @createcampaign = Createcampaign.new(createcampaign_params) @citystate = ZipCodes.identify(params[:zipcode]) logger.log(@citystate) #respond_to do |format| if @createcampaign.save @createcampaign = Createcampaign.where(:user_id => current_user.id).last #redirect_to event_build_path(event_id: @event.id, id: Wicked::FIRST_STEP) redirect_to campaignstep_path(createcampaign_id: @createcampaign.id, id: :interest), notice: 'Createcampaign was successfully created.' #format.html { redirect_to after_createcampaign_path, notice: 'Createcampaign was successfully created.' } #render :render_wizard #format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @createcampaign } else render :new #format.html { render :new } #format.json { render json: @createcampaign.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } #end end ```

randi2160 said over 5 years ago on Dependent Form Fields :
i guess no more help?