Joined 1/9/2018
raimon said over 6 years ago on In-depth Look into ActiveStorage :

Hi Dave,

Excellent post. I just have two questions regarding ActiveStorage:

- How can we manipulate (add prefixes, for example) the filename that has to be uploaded?

- How would you approach an scenario where you need to mark the attachments? I amb thinking, for example, in the case where you want to set some images as banned. As we cannot manipulate ActiveStorage tables, it looks very tricky to imagine a solution. maybe a proxy table? with your example, it would be something like "users" -> "files" -> "attachments". So you can always query for the "files" filtered and get the proper "attachments".

Thanks for the tutorial!

raimon said over 6 years ago on In-depth Look into ActiveStorage :

Hi Dave,

Many thanks! yes, I have adjusted both solutions for my application and both worked as I needed.

Kind regards!