Joined 6/26/2018
pitosalas said over 5 years ago on ViewComponent in Rails :
Thanks for an interesting episode... One of the benefits you cite is performance. i don't see where the performance win would come from...

pitosalas said over 5 years ago on ViewComponent in Rails :
any idea why? after all the .erb processor is still invoked...

pitosalas said about 5 years ago on From Devise to Auth0 :
why would someone remove devise and use auth0 instead? Are you recommending that in general or is there a specific use case that you are thinking of?

pitosalas said almost 5 years ago on Google Maps API with StimulusJS :
Do you  have any good resources for integrating ActionCable with Stimulus? I am using Stimulus to create a map using the Google Maps Javascript API, and then I am making a post request to get all of the markers for that event upon initialization of the map. I would like to be able to see the marker instantly if the user creates a new model, without having to continuously make post requests.

pitosalas said almost 5 years ago on Google Maps API with StimulusJS :