Joined 3/1/2020
patel1wq said about 4 years ago on ViewComponent in Rails :
You might wanna update your video, it's already outdated

patel1wq said about 4 years ago on ViewComponent in Rails :
Cool Thanks man! I am just getting hard time using this in my existing application. I am suppose to demo this tomorrow and its not working for me. Just too stressed man

patel1wq said about 4 years ago on ViewComponent in Rails :
So basically in my components's `Mycomponent.html.erb` file I am using a helper function `current_user_role` defined in a BaseController class. But the Components says that it can not find any variable or method with this name, which makes sense because I will have to inherit from that class. Now the issue is that Components already inherit `ViewComponents::Base` (yeah name changed). I know there should be a work around but I am kind of new to Ruby and am facing a hard time