Joined 9/28/2016
marklar said over 6 years ago on Stimulus Javascript Framework :

>I don't think that I would add the complexities of Webpack in a application just for Stimulus. This would be my preferred route in an existing application.

Would you be able to expand on the added complexities of Webpack (through webpacker)? I was planning on switching from sprockets to webpack based on the advantages discussed in this article:

marklar said over 6 years ago on Stimulus Javascript Framework :
Thanks for taking the time to reply. When you refer to adding extra dependencies, are you referring to the webpacker runtime dependencies of activesupport and multi_json (as well as the webpacker gem itself)? I'm still just trying to completely understand any webpack baggage before making the switch.

marklar said over 6 years ago on Stimulus Javascript Framework :

FYI, here's a blog post you may have seen where the author had great difficulties using webpacker:

marklar said about 6 years ago on Feature Testing with Capybara :
Thanks for the great episode. I know you mentioned that once you've got it all set up it is quite similar to doing system tests (as system tests use Capybara) but are there any plans for an episode on getting set up with system tests, differences between what was implemented in this video (feature tests), and best practices?

marklar said about 6 years ago on Feature Testing with Capybara :
I just realised that episode 100 covers the difference between feature tests and system tests.