Joined 9/28/2016
marklar said about 6 years ago on DataTables :
Would you be able to share some sample code for your solution to this?

marklar said about 6 years ago on In-depth Look into ActiveStorage :
Do you know if it's possible (or advisable) to use ActiveStorage with Rails 5.1.6? In the Rails guides it states: > After upgrading your application to Rails 5.2 So I wonder whether it would be ill advised to add ActiveStorage as a gem to 5.1.6.

marklar said about 6 years ago on In-depth Look into ActiveStorage :
Yikes, it sounds like it's not the best idea for a simple plug and play solution with 5.1.6 then. Thanks for taking the time to reply and thanks for the great video.

marklar said over 4 years ago on Refactoring Models :
When I try this approach I get a **Circular dependency detected while autoloading constant** error when I run my app with foreman with resque. I do **not** get the error when I simply run `rails server`. In [this issue]( it states: > You have to make sure all classes can be loaded without this circular autoloading. There is a bug in your application, it is not resque-schedule issue. >The classes can load fine in some ordering, but in others not. This is why you are getting this problem only occasionally. Sometimes the order your classes are loaded are different, and in those cases you get an exception. You need to make sure your classes can be loaded correctly in any order. Do you see how this problem could be created from using namespaced concerns? Thanks for the help.

marklar said over 4 years ago on Refactoring Models :
It appears this is a common problem as seen [here](, [here]( and [here]( The solution is to move your namespaced concern out of the `concerns/` directory and under the `models` directory as per [this answer]( This is the same directory structure [they are using at Basecamp](