Kiran Patil
Joined 1/9/2018
Kiran Patil said over 6 years ago on Stimulus Javascript Framework :


Can I move all js sprinkle code and jquery plugins  to stimulusjs so that I can organize better and execute page specific js only?


Kiran Patil said over 6 years ago on Continuous Integration with Travis CI :


Please add gitlab CI/CD screencast.


Kiran Patil said over 6 years ago on Page Specific Javascript in Ruby on Rails :


Does page-specific-js-in-ruby  still make sense, since we have now Stimulus js ?


Kiran Patil said over 6 years ago on UUID in Rails with ActiveUUID :


I want to create a subscriber id which should be unique, can we use UUID as subscriber id ?

In general how people are creating unique subscriber id during registration ?

Do we have any ruby gem to get unique id by providing name, date and other parameter as input to the function to get new unique is ?

I also would like to know the pattern to generate ticket id as well, which is used in incident management where each reported incident is a ticket to be resolved.


Kiran Patil said over 6 years ago on Production Deployment on Ubuntu :


Please add nginx with puma configuration for production.
