Flo Bee Jones
Joined 10/8/2019
Flo Bee Jones said over 4 years ago on AWS Security Groups and Deploying Rails 6 to Beanstalk :
I just want my app to communicate to a RDS. Is adding Reddis required? Or can I just skip that part? Thanks, Flo

Flo Bee Jones said over 4 years ago on Deploying to AWS Elastic Beanstalk :
It worked. I can't say this with science, but I believe the difference was using rails new maple --skip-active-storage, so not using storage blob. Otherwise, I couldn't make it work when connected to a postgres database inside of an RDS. Also, when making my RDS instance, I added the database name 'ebdb' in the 'Additional Configuration' section. (I believe that's what section was called.)