David Kimura PRO
Joined 7/18/2015
Drifting Ruby Owner
Ruby Rogues Panelist
David Kimura PRO said 6 months ago on Cloudflare Turnstile :
I don’t test it directly and would stub or mock the request.

David Kimura PRO said 6 months ago on readonly? :
While it make not be a big deal for one item, I've worked on many projects that deviated from the standard CRUD style and it was okay at first until it became too much. One or two additional actions may not be a big deal, but after that it starts to become a mess. Personally, I'd rather namespace the items and keep the controllers smaller. 

David Kimura PRO said 6 months ago on Progressive Web Applications :
  Gabriel Coronel  Would you mind sharing which part of the world you're in, your OS, and internet speeds?

David Kimura PRO said 6 months ago on Form Input UX :
Ah, really cool. TIL about inputmode.

David Kimura PRO said 5 months ago :
The issue with devise and broadcasting is warden gets angry. To get around this, I will pass a user object into the partial or use the Current Attributes. You have to be careful with broadcasts and the current user object because all broadcasts will be in the context of that current user. As a workaround, I have broadcasted an empty turbo frame tag with a src attribute which makes a request back to the app to get the actual current user object but depending on your scenario, it would create  a n+1 request situation.