Joined 10/29/2016
chabgood said over 7 years ago on Caching with Dalli :

Would touch: true accomplish the same task? 

chabgood said about 7 years ago on Intro to Docker on Windows :

I am getting this error:

#<Mysql2::Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)>

chabgood said almost 6 years ago on attr_encrypted :
I have a rails 5 app that is an API, I am getting this error: It was working fine before I added the gem. ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql2::Error: Unknown column '' in 'where clause': SELECT `disclosure_forms`.* FROM `disclosure_forms` WHERE `disclosure_forms`.`name` = 'Chris Habgood' LIMIT 1):

chabgood said over 4 years ago on Auditing with Paper Trail :
When I destroy an object it will not track it. Any idea why?