Antivirus Uploads with Clamby
5:26 CC

Antivirus Uploads with Clamby

#43 Aug 21, 2016 free
Using ClamAV, scan files uploaded to your application for viruses. In the event of a virus learn how to gracefully handle the infected file and notify the user.

Capturing Signatures with Signature Pad
8:14 CC

Capturing Signatures with Signature Pad

#44 Aug 28, 2016 free
Using the Javascript Library, Signature Pad, learn how to capture user signatures and store them within your Ruby on Rails application.

Authentication Timeout
15:12 CC

Authentication Timeout

#448 Mar 24, 2024 pro
In this episode, we'll explore adding the ability to extend an authenticated session wish is about to expire. We'll be using a Stimulus controller for the bulk of the logic and the provided functionality that Devise gives us out of the box.

Ruby on Rails Development with Microsoft Windows 10
8:05 CC

Ruby on Rails Development with Microsoft Windows 10

#132 May 6, 2018 free
Developing a Ruby on Rails application on Windows can be difficult, but doesn't have to be with Bash on Windows. Learn how to use Bash to install the Ruby interpreter.

Syntax Highlighting with Action Text
10:36 CC

Syntax Highlighting with Action Text

#231 Mar 1, 2020 free
Set up Action Text with client side Syntax Highlighting using Highlight.js.