Securing Downloads with Global ID
22:57 CC

Securing Downloads with Global ID

#315 Sep 19, 2021 pro
With custom controllers and Global ID, we can lock down Active Storage files to provide a link which expires after a duration of time. At the beginning of the video, I tour the new Rails 7 template and configuration that will be used for episodes going forward.

Organizing Stimulus Controllers
11:54 CC

Organizing Stimulus Controllers

#267 Nov 8, 2020 pro
StimulusJS is great and works great with Ruby on Rails. However, through developer habits, we can complicate our controllers and make them hard to manage. In this episode, we look at making our Stimulus controllers more manageable.

Two-Way SMS Conversation
25:28 CC

Two-Way SMS Conversation

#296 May 16, 2021 pro
Sending or responding with a SMS text message isn't too difficult. The complexity comes in when a conversation is required in a linear style of communication. In this episode, we look at creating a SMS bot which generates a session and tracks the conversation.

Authentication with Sorcery
15:23 CC

Authentication with Sorcery

#321 Oct 31, 2021 pro
Sorcery is a stripped-down, bare-bones authentication library, with which you can write your own authentication flow. In this episode we look at creating the controllers and views for a simple authentication solution.

Real-time Comments and Voting
23:49 CC

Real-time Comments and Voting

#331 Jan 9, 2022 pro
Using Hotwire we'll create a comment and voting system from scratch without any javascript. With the help of Turbo, we enable real-time updates and broadcasts of comments and votes.