Publish and Subscribe to Events
12:13 CC

Publish and Subscribe to Events

#244 May 31, 2020 pro
In this episode, we look at a micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities.

Embedding Youtube Videos into Action Text with Stimulus
18:57 CC

Embedding Youtube Videos into Action Text with Stimulus

#243 May 24, 2020 pro
Creating attachments with Action Text can be difficult, but in this episode, we look at how we can create embedded attachments into Trix without needing a persisting the data on a separate model on our database.

Removing Friendly Id
15:49 CC

Removing Friendly Id

#242 May 17, 2020 pro
Sometimes we reach for a gem because it is what we know or we've had great experience with it in the past. However, sometimes the gem is a sledgehammer for a small problem. When you don't need all of the features, sometimes developing the functionality inside your application may be a better route.

Reusable Ruby on Rails Application Templates
8:09 CC

Reusable Ruby on Rails Application Templates

#241 May 10, 2020 pro
Application Templates are a great way to get a base for your application. However, once you have used the template, it doesn't serve any further purpose. In this episode, we look at the power of Templates in a reusable application for existing applications.

Contributing to a Gem
12:14 CC

Contributing to a Gem

#240 May 3, 2020 free
So, you've been using a gem for some time and you've either discovered that the gem isn't working correctly or that you want to start contributing to the gem itself. Sometimes this can be an overwhelming task. In this episode, we look at the basic processes for contributing to a gem.