Deleting and Undeleting with Paranoia
7:34 CC

Deleting and Undeleting with Paranoia

#19 Oct 7, 2015 free
When your app is using Paranoia, calling destroy on an ActiveRecord object doesn't actually destroy the database record, but just hides it.

Improving Partial Loading Performance
11:38 CC

Improving Partial Loading Performance

#145 Aug 5, 2018 free
N+1 queries can make an application slow. Having queries called within views can also slow down an app as well as making it less extendable.

Routing Partials
4:30 CC

Routing Partials

#80 May 14, 2017 free
The routes file can grow to be unmaintainable and messy. Learn to keep things organized by extracting out blocks of routes into their own files.

UUID in Rails with ActiveUUID
5:11 CC

UUID in Rails with ActiveUUID

#23 Mar 2, 2016 free
Some cases require non-auto incrementing primary keys as well as multiple master writes without id conflicts. With ActiveUUID, we can configure our table's primary key with confidence without added complexity.

Working with Internationalization
13:59 CC

Working with Internationalization

#68 Feb 19, 2017 free
Adding translations into your website does not have to be hard. With Rails built in I18N functionality, we gain access to many helpers and conventions that makes it a much easier task. Learn how to add I18N into your Rails application.