Sample Data with Factory Bot and Faker
8:07 CC

Sample Data with Factory Bot and Faker

#103 Oct 29, 2017 free
Factory Bot is a fixtures replacement which can generate the needed records directly in the tests. Faker can be used to create fake data for these records.

Playing with JSON
3:01 CC

Playing with JSON

#34 Jun 19, 2016 free
Some neat tips and tricks for interacting with and parsing JSON responses from an API.

Importing and Exporting CSV Data
5:33 CC

Importing and Exporting CSV Data

#35 Jun 26, 2016 free
Basics on importing and exporting CSV Data using Ruby and without gems.

Benchmark Ruby Code
12:39 CC

Benchmark Ruby Code

#262 Oct 4, 2020 free
It's easy to accidentally write slow code in our applications. In this episode, we look at how we can benchmark our code and examples of some methods which are slower than others.

Creating a Simple Slack Bot
10:16 CC

Creating a Simple Slack Bot

#162 Dec 2, 2018 free
Slack is a great application to keep in contact with friends, coworkers and a community. With bots, its capabilities are endless. In this episode, learn how to create a Slack Bot to interact with.