Extending the Rails Core Form Builder
14:17 CC

Extending the Rails Core Form Builder

#187 May 12, 2019 pro
In this episode, we build a custom form builder to extend and add functionality our forms to display errors inline with the form inputs.

ViewComponent in Rails
12:26 CC

ViewComponent in Rails

#196 Jun 30, 2019 pro
The ViewComponent library will provide a new way for creating reusable and testable view components.

Nested Forms from Scratch
9:48 CC

Nested Forms from Scratch

#70 Mar 5, 2017 free
Learn how to handle multiple models in a single form with accepts_nested_attributes_for and learn how to add and remove nested records through JavaScript.

ActiveRecord Migrations
12:00 CC

ActiveRecord Migrations

#95 Aug 27, 2017 free
This episode covers different tips and tricks around database migration files.

Using React-Rails and Loading Data from Rails into React
9:33 CC

Using React-Rails and Loading Data from Rails into React

#109 Dec 10, 2017 pro
In this episode, we look at one of many different ways to add the Javascript Framework, React, into our Ruby on Rails application. This tutorial covers adding react into the application and pulling and displaying database information in nested React components.