Custom Error Pages with Slack Notification
9:06 CC

Custom Error Pages with Slack Notification

#91 Jul 30, 2017 free
Learn to use custom error pages to provide a similar look to your application. Get notified on Slack as errors occur to act on them before they're reported.

Speeding Up Tests
4:54 CC

Speeding Up Tests

#104 Nov 5, 2017 free
Slow tests can slow down your development process. Using parallel_tests, you can speed up your test suite by multiple threads and running the tests in groups.

GitHub Actions
13:20 CC

GitHub Actions

#258 Sep 6, 2020 free
GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. In this episode, learn to set up GitHub Actions on your Ruby on Rails application with automated tests, code coverage reporting, and security testings.

Importing and Exporting CSV Data
5:33 CC

Importing and Exporting CSV Data

#35 Jun 26, 2016 free
Basics on importing and exporting CSV Data using Ruby and without gems.

Sidekiq Basics
7:34 CC

Sidekiq Basics

#59 Dec 18, 2016 free
Sidekiq is a Ruby Background Processor that manages its queue with a Redis service. Learn the basics of Sidekiq and integrating it with ActiveJob.