Soft Limits
21:09 CC

Soft Limits

#466 Jul 21, 2024 pro
In this episode, we look at creating soft limits around record creation. Soft limits are a way to programatically limit how many records a user can create. This can be very useful in cases where you have multiple tiered subscription plans and need to provide different limits.

Flash Messages
13:48 CC

Flash Messages

#465 Jul 14, 2024 pro
Flash messages are used to provide feedback to users when certain actions occur, such as creating or updating a record. In this episode, we'll look at various issues with flash messages and workarounds to common problems.

Tracking Writebook Changes
15:10 CC

Tracking Writebook Changes

#464 Jul 7, 2024 free
In this episode, we look at setting up a mechanism to track the changes from an externally developed product. We'll also discuss branching strategies and how to develop your own features on top of Writebook.

Using LLMs to Generate Tags
19:55 CC

Using LLMs to Generate Tags

#463 Jun 30, 2024 pro
In this episode we'll explore how to use AI to generate tags. We'll cover setting up a self-hosted solution using OpenWebUI and Olama within Docker. And, learn to use the AI to generate and update tags automatically through a background job.

From Heroku to Kamal
25:26 CC

From Heroku to Kamal

#462 Jun 23, 2024 pro
Ready to migrate your app off of Heroku? In this episode, we guide you through a full migration, from backing up data to securing your new server setup.