Hotwire & ViewComponents
19:09 CC

Hotwire & ViewComponents

#288 Mar 21, 2021 pro
In this episode, we look into adding ViewComponent and Hotwire into our Rails application. With this powerful combination, we can create highly interactive applications with ease.

Dynamic Select Forms with Hotwire
21:50 CC

Dynamic Select Forms with Hotwire

#325 Nov 28, 2021 pro
Using StimulusJS and Turbo, we are able to dynamically update select input with content based on another select input. This allows for a seamless user experience while having a configurable and maintainable backend.

Meta Tags
4:39 CC

Meta Tags

#26 Apr 25, 2016 free
Adding Meta Tags to your website is important for SEO ranking and content display. Learn how to easily add meta tags to your Ruby on Rails application.

Authorization with Pundit
6:31 CC

Authorization with Pundit

#47 Sep 18, 2016 free
Prevent unauthorized access to your application with Pundit; an authorization library for Ruby on Rails which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access.

Working with Internationalization
13:59 CC

Working with Internationalization

#68 Feb 19, 2017 free
Adding translations into your website does not have to be hard. With Rails built in I18N functionality, we gain access to many helpers and conventions that makes it a much easier task. Learn how to add I18N into your Rails application.