Mail Previews and Templates
8:31 CC

Mail Previews and Templates

#58 Dec 11, 2016 free
Using ActionMailer::Preview preview email samples without sending them. Using Zurb's Foundation for Emails, learn how to use email templates with the Ink framework.

Client Side Validations
5:26 CC

Client Side Validations

#32 Jun 6, 2016 free
Give early warning to users of form errors before they submit. With client side validations, the user can correct any errors prior to submitting the form.

Rails API - Throttling with Rack::Attack
7:10 CC

Rails API - Throttling with Rack::Attack

#52 Oct 30, 2016 free
Save expensive calculation time using Rack::Attack, we will learn how to limit requests coming into our application. This gem not only limits requests, but can be used to blacklist or whitelist users as well.

Hotwire Turbo Replacing Rails UJS
9:36 CC

Hotwire Turbo Replacing Rails UJS

#307 Aug 1, 2021 free
In this episode, we look at some common functionality that we got with Rails UJS and what it looks like to reimplement these with Hotwire's Turbo and StimulusJS.

Drag and Drop with Interact.js
15:20 CC

Drag and Drop with Interact.js

#75 Apr 9, 2017 free
Using Interact.js to create draggable and droppable items in our view, we can use AJAX callbacks on events to interact with our Ruby on Rails application. Also, learn how to use Ruby Assets to manage our Javascript Libraries.