Rails API Versioning
9:52 CC

Rails API Versioning

#142 Jul 15, 2018 pro
Using the URI or Accept Headers, we can version our API to prevent breaking changes to our end users. In this episode, we look at versioning our RESTful API.

Search Encrypted Attributes with Blind Index
9:04 CC

Search Encrypted Attributes with Blind Index

#139 Jun 24, 2018 pro
Keeping client data protected is important, but once an attribute is encrypted, it becomes difficult to work with it. With Blind Index, we regain functionality on searching and validations.

Rails API App - Authentication with JSON Web Tokens
24:04 CC

Rails API App - Authentication with JSON Web Tokens

#138 Jun 17, 2018 pro
With a bare Rails API app, we add an authentication solution and checks per request with JSON Web Tokens, JWT.

Multistep Form with Wicked
10:32 CC

Multistep Form with Wicked

#137 Jun 10, 2018 pro
Wicked can help by turning a controller into a series of multiple steps. In this episode, we interact with Devise to provide wizard after the user has registered.

User Notifications
13:08 CC

User Notifications

#136 Jun 3, 2018 free
Using the Notifications Rails Engine, we are able to add notifications to our applications based on certain events. The engine provides the schema and necessary controls and associations to seamlessly integrate into your app.