User Notifications
13:08 CC

User Notifications

#136 Jun 3, 2018 free
Using the Notifications Rails Engine, we are able to add notifications to our applications based on certain events. The engine provides the schema and necessary controls and associations to seamlessly integrate into your app.

Dynamic Select Fields
13:26 CC

Dynamic Select Fields

#133 May 13, 2018 pro
Making one select field dependent on another and automatically update based on the previous selection can be a tricky task. In this episode, we look an a rather unobtrusive way to handle this for many scenarios.

Ruby on Rails Development with Microsoft Windows 10
8:05 CC

Ruby on Rails Development with Microsoft Windows 10

#132 May 6, 2018 free
Developing a Ruby on Rails application on Windows can be difficult, but doesn't have to be with Bash on Windows. Learn how to use Bash to install the Ruby interpreter.

Debugging with Remote Pry
7:16 CC

Debugging with Remote Pry

#130 Apr 22, 2018 pro
Puma-dev combined with Remote Pry is a strong combo for debugging and ease of development.

Preparing for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
19:29 CC

Preparing for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

#129 Apr 15, 2018 pro
In this episode, we look adding in some of the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation into our Ruby on Rails application. Disclaimer: this episode is not legal advice and you should consult a lawyer.