Sitemap Generator
5:06 CC

Sitemap Generator

#7 Jul 28, 2015 free
Adding Search Engine Optimization to your site is easy. However, maintaining it can be difficult. This episode shows how to approach the sitemap indexing.

4:11 CC


#6 Jul 26, 2015 free
Protecting your data within your database has never been easier. With attr_encrypted, you can easily add a level of security to your application without much refactoring.

6:28 CC


#5 Jul 24, 2015 free
This is a Rails library which integrates with Active Records and provides some awesome user-initiated string interpolations for your web apps. For example, have you ever needed to allow users to insert their own variables into e-mail templates or messages?

Serialized Attributes
12:04 CC

Serialized Attributes

#4 Jul 22, 2015 free
Store multiple attributes and values using a text column. Not for everyday use, but has situations where it can save on the number of columns and/or models needed to accomplish a task.

ActionCable on Production
6:13 CC

ActionCable on Production

#3 Jul 20, 2015 free
Taking a look at ActionCable and switching from Puma to Thin. On server reboot, spin up the ActionCable service.