Authentication with Sorcery
15:23 CC

Authentication with Sorcery

#321 Oct 31, 2021 pro
Sorcery is a stripped-down, bare-bones authentication library, with which you can write your own authentication flow. In this episode we look at creating the controllers and views for a simple authentication solution.

Reset Password from Scratch
24:24 CC

Reset Password from Scratch

#316 Sep 26, 2021 pro
Continuing from Episode 300, we look at creating a password reset feature. We explore some of the security concerns around this feature and some mitigating options.

Hardware Security Keys
11:02 CC

Hardware Security Keys

#302 Jun 27, 2021 pro
Using a hardware security key for multi-factor authentication is a great way to protect user accounts. In this episode, we look at implementing security keys into our Ruby on Rails applications with Devise user accounts.

Managing User Session Devices
15:59 CC

Managing User Session Devices

#301 Jun 20, 2021 pro
In this episode, we look to add on some features to Device with tracking devices that a user has authenticated with and then remote deleting sessions.

Authentication from Scratch
20:26 CC

Authentication from Scratch

#300 Jun 13, 2021 pro
It's never a bad thing to understand how authentication works in a Ruby on Rails application without reaching for a gem. In this episode, we look at how authentication works in a modern Ruby on Rails application and some reasons why we shouldn't roll our own solution.