Improving Partial Loading Performance
11:38 CC

Improving Partial Loading Performance

#145 Aug 5, 2018 free
N+1 queries can make an application slow. Having queries called within views can also slow down an app as well as making it less extendable.

UUID in Rails with ActiveUUID
5:11 CC

UUID in Rails with ActiveUUID

#23 Mar 2, 2016 free
Some cases require non-auto incrementing primary keys as well as multiple master writes without id conflicts. With ActiveUUID, we can configure our table's primary key with confidence without added complexity.

ActiveRecord Migrations
12:00 CC

ActiveRecord Migrations

#95 Aug 27, 2017 free
This episode covers different tips and tricks around database migration files.

Database Index Optimization and Migration Maintenance
4:54 CC

Database Index Optimization and Migration Maintenance

#53 Nov 6, 2016 free
Adding indexes to your databases can increase the SQL search performance on your tables. As your application grows, migration files can become out of hand, use squasher to squish them down to a single file.