Cropping Images with JCrop
7:00 CC

Cropping Images with JCrop

#77 Apr 23, 2017 free
Extend your image upload functionality with JCrop. Learn to redirect the user to a crop page once they have uploaded their image and save versions of the cropped images.

Plugging in AnyCable
9:06 CC

Plugging in AnyCable

#214 Nov 3, 2019 free
ActionCable can handle quite a bit of traffic, but it gets to a point where it can become a burden on the server. With AnyCable, we can not only handle more traffic, but it is also lighter on the resources.

Capturing Signatures with Signature Pad
8:14 CC

Capturing Signatures with Signature Pad

#44 Aug 28, 2016 free
Using the Javascript Library, Signature Pad, learn how to capture user signatures and store them within your Ruby on Rails application.

Building a Questionnaire
24:08 CC

Building a Questionnaire

#294 May 2, 2021 free
Using StimulusJS and nested forms, we create the first parts of a questionnaire. Dynamic surveys can be difficult to architect and maintain. In this episode, we take a simple approach to creating questionnaires.

Pagination with Kaminari
2:37 CC

Pagination with Kaminari

#73 Mar 26, 2017 free
When displaying a significant number of records, it is often a basic functions in a web application is to paginate the records and load them as requested.