Database, Model and Scopes
15:36 CC

Database, Model and Scopes

#150 Sep 9, 2018 pro
In this episode, we take a look at some tips and tricks around the database schema and model scopes.

Seed like a Pro
19:05 CC

Seed like a Pro

#284 Feb 21, 2021 pro
Seeding your database is often an overlooked part of development and it has a lot of benefits that can help uncover issues within your application. However, maintaining the seeds.rb can be difficult and things can get out of hand quickly. In this episode, learn how to manage and maintain the seeds file.

Simple and Complex Database Migrations
19:14 CC

Simple and Complex Database Migrations

#173 Feb 17, 2019 pro
In this episode, we look at database migrations and different ways to generate the schema.

Limiting Text Input
18:41 CC

Limiting Text Input

#350 May 22, 2022 pro
User experience is important and there are little things that we can do to help improve this experience. By giving real time feedback on text inputs to approaching limits on fields, the user can modify and update their text accordingly before they submit the form. In this episode, we look at database level, model validations and limiting text input on the client side.

PostgreSQL Hstore
12:28 CC

PostgreSQL Hstore

#259 Sep 13, 2020 pro
The hstore data type is very useful in many cases, such as semi-structured data or rows with many attributes.