15:15 CC


#484 Nov 24, 2024 pro
In this episode, we explore deploying HAProxy, a high performant load balancer, with Kamal. We'll look at various scenarios where it is a great fit and other scenarios where you'd want to avoid HAProxy.

From Heroku to Kamal
25:26 CC

From Heroku to Kamal

#462 Jun 23, 2024 pro
Ready to migrate your app off of Heroku? In this episode, we guide you through a full migration, from backing up data to securing your new server setup.

MRSK in Depth
23:47 CC

MRSK in Depth

#392 Mar 12, 2023 pro
Continuing from the previous episode, we look at speeding up the build times with a remote builder, continued warning about accessories, implementing background jobs, setting up the infrastructure for background workers and diving more into the Kamal (MRSK) commands.

Easy Infrastructure
25:11 CC

Easy Infrastructure

#355 Jun 26, 2022 pro
Continuing on from the previous episode, we look at creating a Docker Swarm cluster and using Traefik to load balance and route requests to various applications. Using this and CloudFlare proxies, we're able to create and deploy hobby applications in minutes.

Multiple Databases
12:33 CC

Multiple Databases

#353 Jun 12, 2022 pro
As an application grows in popularity and usage you'll need to scale the application to support your new users and their data. One way in which your application may need to scale is on the database level. In this episode, we look at reading from a replica database while writing to a primary database. We also look at structuring our application top support multiple databases; each containing their own schema.