27:48 CC


#389 Feb 19, 2023 pro
Middleman is a static site generator using all the shortcuts and tools in modern web development. In this episode, we look at creating a static site using TailwindCSS and one of the TailwindUI templates. We also take an interesting approach to keep the development experience close to one that we would expect in a Rails application.

Fancy Emails with MJML
12:41 CC

Fancy Emails with MJML

#411 Jul 23, 2023 pro
Managing email styling and formats can be a large task so having a templating framework in place to help manage these will not only help them be consistent, but also easier to maintain as time goes on. In this episode, we'll look at implementing MJML as well as solving some common problems.

Environment Specific Encrypted Credentials in Rails 5.2
10:47 CC

Environment Specific Encrypted Credentials in Rails 5.2

#193 Jun 16, 2019 pro
A more simplief and better retake of Episode #123 where we look at the upcoming Rails 6 changes with encrypted credentials and how to apply it to a Rails 5.2 application.

Parent Relationships and Turbo Frames
23:32 CC

Parent Relationships and Turbo Frames

#421 Sep 24, 2023 pro
Without writing any javascript, we create a highly interactive parent navigation. We will use Turbo Frames to provide the highly interactive experience and build a parent-child relationship from scratch.

Digital Ocean App Platform
17:36 CC

Digital Ocean App Platform

#434 Dec 24, 2023 pro
Fly, AWS App Runner, Render and Heroku are great choices for Platform as a Service solutions, but there's Digital Ocean's App Platform. In this episode we'll look at deploying a Rails 7.1 application to this Digital Ocean PaaS.