ActiveRecord Callbacks
12:26 CC

ActiveRecord Callbacks

#148 Aug 26, 2018 pro
Callbacks are great for quickly tapping into the object life cycle. However, after a model or an application grows, it will become harder to maintain over time. It is better to extract the responsibility and separate the logic.

State Machines with AASM
12:20 CC

State Machines with AASM

#147 Aug 19, 2018 pro
State Machines are useful for tracking the state of an object. With AASM, we take a dive into how states can transition as well as modifying states and interacting with them.

Rails API Documentation
15:18 CC

Rails API Documentation

#146 Aug 12, 2018 pro
In this episode, we look at creating an interactive documentation for a Rails API.

Creating PDF files with WickedPDF
9:46 CC

Creating PDF files with WickedPDF

#144 Jul 29, 2018 pro
Easily create PDF files within your Rails Application with Wicked PDF.

iOS Authentication with a Rails API
19:33 CC

iOS Authentication with a Rails API

#143 Jul 22, 2018 pro
In this episode, we look at creating an iOS Application which will communicate with the Rails API application from the previous episode.