Custom Dashboard - Part 1
43:14 CC

Custom Dashboard - Part 1

#432 Dec 10, 2023 pro
In this episode, we'll look at creating the initial management for a customizable dashboard. Users can add and arrange widgets to their dashboard.

18:32 CC


#402 May 21, 2023 pro
Meilisearch is a flexible and powerful user-focused search engine that can be added to any website or application. In this episode, we'll integrate Meilisearch into our application.

Creating Embedded Iframes
17:34 CC

Creating Embedded Iframes

#375 Nov 13, 2022 pro
Similar to Youtube embeds, we will look at creating embedded links to our application so that portions of the application can be embedded. However, there are a lot of security implications and should be done with caution.

Stripe Donations
15:31 CC

Stripe Donations

#362 Aug 14, 2022 pro
In this episode, we look at two different ways to handle donations with Stripe. The first method is a "no code" way that would work on any website that may not have a backend. The second method, we use the Stripe gem and their API to create a Checkout session for handling donations.

7:55 CC


#380 Dec 18, 2022 pro
In Rails 7.1, we're going to get a new feature that will allow us to generate tokens for attributes. With generates_token_for, a token can embed data from a record. When using the token to fetch the record, the data from the token and the data from the record will be compared.