Debugging with Remote Pry
7:16 CC

Debugging with Remote Pry

#130 Apr 22, 2018 pro
Puma-dev combined with Remote Pry is a strong combo for debugging and ease of development.

Hardware Security Keys
11:02 CC

Hardware Security Keys

#302 Jun 27, 2021 pro
Using a hardware security key for multi-factor authentication is a great way to protect user accounts. In this episode, we look at implementing security keys into our Ruby on Rails applications with Devise user accounts.

Removing Friendly Id
15:49 CC

Removing Friendly Id

#242 May 17, 2020 pro
Sometimes we reach for a gem because it is what we know or we've had great experience with it in the past. However, sometimes the gem is a sledgehammer for a small problem. When you don't need all of the features, sometimes developing the functionality inside your application may be a better route.

Fixing Assets in CSS Bundling for Rails
15:30 CC

Fixing Assets in CSS Bundling for Rails

#323 Nov 14, 2021 pro
CSS Bundling for Rails provides a new way for importing and managing our CSS assets in Rails Applications, but it does have some challenges around a few libraries (specifically font awesome and a few others) which we'll look at in this episode.

Audio Streaming with Active Storage
10:21 CC

Audio Streaming with Active Storage

#233 Mar 15, 2020 pro
Using StimulusJS and Active Storage, create a simple Audio Streaming service where users can play and stream audio content.