David Kimura PRO said almost 2 years ago on Tailwind CSS :
While I agree that daisyUI may violate some of Tailwind CSS's philosophy, I think it's also important to ask if those principals really matter to me or the project. I recently deployed an application to production using Tailwind CSS and daisyUI and the amount sent over the wire is about 17kB. Uncompressed, it is about 90kB. I'm okay with this even if there is additional stuff that is being generated and never used. Honestly, I really don't care too much about the CSS minimalism stuff. I care more about application maintainability and consistency.

I've dabbled with Shuffle a bit, but I don't use it too often. It's great for getting quick things in a view, but also rather limited in the stuff that it provides. Perhaps it will get better in years to come.