itsterry PRO said over 3 years ago on Multiple Resources with Devise :
Great ep, Dave (again) - thank you!

eclectic-coding PRO said about 3 years ago on Multiple Resources with Devise :
Thanks  great episode.
I'm curious, can you use this approach with one model and multiple roles created my rolify?

Maybe if user.has_role? :admin

David Kimura PRO said about 3 years ago on Multiple Resources with Devise :
  Yes and that would probably be my default way of handling different kind of actors. I would only reach for multiple devise models if the different actors were so different that it would almost be like a completely different app experience. Pretty much, if there was any kind of overlap between actors, I would try to keep them the same model but use roles to determine the accessible functionality.

Berileg said over 2 years ago on Multiple Resources with Devise :
  David Kimura  
Nice video, thumbs up from Malaysia! However, may I know why some of your videos will have some intermittent dimming parts and fading voices?
05:27 Voices fading out.
06:50 Screen dimming.
07:24 Screen dimming.
10:11 Screen dimming.
10:31 Screen dimming.
13:11 Screen dimming.

David Kimura PRO said over 2 years ago on Multiple Resources with Devise :
  Berileg  I wasn't aware that there were some dimming parts and fading voices. That could have been a post edit or a transcoding issue. Do you have an example video and timestamp when this occurred? 

David Kimura PRO said over 2 years ago on Multiple Resources with Devise :
Ah I see. Those are poor edits and not sure how I missed that. It shouldn’t be the norm.

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