Matt Long said 11 months ago on Hotwire Modals :
Ok. Great! Thanks David. That worked! I just pass a parameter to the form partial used in both the _form_modal as well as my project/new and project/update views specifying whether it should use turbo. I'm assuming that's how you're suggesting I use that.

Unrelated (sort of): Do you know how I can just dismiss the modal instead of allowing it to redirect? In my case, I have loaded a form for one entity that has a link to open the form (new) for another entity that opens in the modal. When I finish creating that secondary entity, I want to update a dropdown in the first form with the new record added to it and selected. I've got the adding and selecting working. I am just not sure how to dismiss the modal after the secondary entity has been successfully created.

Thanks again for your help. This was really the only video I've watched that made sense to me. I just walked through all the steps and everything became much clearer. Nice job!